Irish Genealogy

  • With €250 ($271), you can have your research conducted and a comprehensive report submitted to you within no time. With Irish records becoming more readily available online, plus advances in research techniques, finding your Irish ancestry has never been more…

  • Irish descendants are spread across Europe, with recent estimates indicating a staggering 80 million people. According to a report by Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, half of this population live in North America.   Although Irish men started to…

  • Traditionally, tracking Irish ancestry has been a complex task mainly due to the vast Irish diaspora and the destruction of records witnessed over the years. Fortunately, advanced technology is now opening new avenues through which we can track every detail…

  • Today, almost 100 million people of Irish descent live outside the island of Ireland, most of which are in North America, the UK, and Australia. The number is bloating, making it highly likely that at least one person in less…

  • Hiring a professional genealogist is a significant step to pursuing your genealogy and preserving it in a valuable way to your family and future generations. However, when looking for a trustworthy family history research expert, you must follow the due…

  • Professional genealogists undergo torturous experiences perfecting their skills and presenting authentic family history research, but that does not justify unexplained hefty fees for the services. Setting a minimum of $3,500 for unexplained services or scope is extortion and goes against…

  • Hiring a professional genealogist helps you build an accurate family tree and gain a deeper understanding of who you are and where you come from.   However, due to some people’s lack of awareness, limited understanding, and heavy reliance on what…

  • The five steps to becoming an Irish national are by birth, ancestry, adoption, special declaration, and naturalization. A successful application grants access to all the perks and opportunities of being an Irish citizen.   Luckily, Ireland allows dual citizenship, so seeking…

  • People looking to uncover Irish ancestry normally struggle with finding information, tracing the relevant records, erratic naming conventions, land divisions, and a lack of research experts local to the specific records, subject area, or period.   As a result, Irish genealogy…